Classes at St. John Cantius Church

Intellectual formation in the Catholic faith is of the utmost importance in today’s secular world. In order to compliment the spiritual formation of St. John Cantius’ parishioners, so richly provided for in the Mass, the parish is able to offer several courses ranging from Catechism to Latin, and from sacramental preparation to courses for converts to Catholicism.
Teaching students to be a part of their rich Catholic heritage is also an important aspect of catechesis at St. John Cantius Parish. Instruction in Gregorian Chant, along with exposure to sacred music, sacred art, and the beautiful and solemn liturgical celebrations throughout the Church year are offered as enrichment to students and parents.
Fidelity to the magisterial authority of the Church is a foundational principle in all of the courses offered at St. John Cantius Church. Therefore, an important point of reference is the Catechism of the Catholic Church. An important supplement to this is the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church as well as the traditional Baltimore Catechism.