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Celebrating Saint John Henry Newman

Celebrating Saint John Henry Newman

Cor ad Cor loquitur - Heart speaks to Heart

Saturday, June 17

12:30 pm – 4:00 pm

St. John Cantius Parish Hall

The life and legacy of Saint John Henry Newman and the Birmingham Oratory

Join us for a day of celebration of St. John Henry Newman led by Fr. David Sprong and Br. Zachariah Heritage of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri in Birmingham, UK. We will also be joined by Melissa Villalobos, who will discuss the miracle that led to his canonization. Come see the biretta worn by Cardinal John Henry Newman and a first class relic of his hair.

Discussion will focus on the legacy of Saint Newman. The influence of the Oratory that he founded in Birmingham, including on the lives of JRR. Tolkien and Gerard Manley Hopkins. And on the canonization of Saint Newman in 2019.


12:30 - 1:30 pm — Newman, the Oratory, and Birmingham - Br. Zachariah Heritage

1:45 – 2:55 pm — The Canonization of St. Newman - Fr. David Sprong and Melissa Villalobos

3:00 pm — Reception and Social (sandwiches, coffee, wine will be served)

3:45 pm — Veneration of the Relic of Cardinal Newman (church)

4:00 pm — Rosary and Vespers with the Canons Regular

Admission is $20

Admission will help us cover the cost of the food and drink.

Sponsored by the Chicago-Birmingham Sister Cities Committee 30th Anniversary Year with grateful thanks to Mr. Rupert Ward

You may also like to attend this concert on Sunday June 18th at St. James Cathedral:


Attending Mass at SJC
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