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The Golden Rose Award

St. John Cantius Parish has had a long tradition of presenting the Golden Rose to an individual, family or institution which has displayed an outstanding example of living, promoting or implementing Catholic teaching. The Golden Rose is a precious and sacred ornament made of pure gold, which on Laetare Sunday popes have often blessed and conferred upon persons distinguished for their faith and loyalty to the Holy See, as a mark of esteem and paternal affection. The golden flower given on this day shows forth Christ and His Kingly Majesty. The thorns and red color of real roses tell of His Passion, to which the Prophet Isaiah alludes: “Why then is thy apparel red, and thy garments like theirs that tread in the winepress?” (Isaiah 63:2) Thus, this Sunday on which the rose is blessed is often called Rose Sunday.

Lisa Kowalik received the Golden Rose on Laetare Sunday, March 14th. For well over a decade Lisa has been teaching our little ones as they prepare for First Holy Communion. We commend her hard work for her patient and loving dedication to the children and the Sacraments.

The past recipients of the Golden Rose Award are:

2020—Joe Urbaszewski

2019—William Melichar

2018—Andrea Eisenberg

2017—Kathleen Carr (Catholic Art Guild)

2016—Ruth-Margaret Durkin

2015—Myles Ahearn

2014—Kelly Ford

2013—Jed Gibbons

2012—Dan Cheely

2011—Michel Ozorak

2010—+Fr. Dudley Day, O.S.A. & Fran Shambro

2009—Richard Caro

2008—Rudolph Geter

2007—Mark Middendorf

2006—Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Hegener

2005—+Fr. James Downey, O.S.B.

2004—Fr. Bart Juncer

2003—Mary Anne Hackett

2002—Richard Guzior

2001—Mary Kraychy

2000—Magdalen College

+Monsignor Richard Schuler

1999—William & Rose Marie Fairman

1998—Dorie Gruss

1997—Dorothy Amorella


Attending Mass at SJC
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