Registration Weekend Register your children for CCD classes, Youth Choirs, and Altar Servers is now available online. If you would like to register in person there is an opportunity to do so on Sunday August 25th and Sunday September 1st after Mass in the Parish Hall.CCD REGISTRATIONYOUTH CHOIR REGISTRATIONALTAR SERVER REGISTRATIONYouth Formation Booklet 2024-2025 (Booklet) (8).pdfDownload PDF • 12.25MB
Register your children for CCD classes, Youth Choirs, and Altar Servers is now available online. If you would like to register in person there is an opportunity to do so on Sunday August 25th and Sunday September 1st after Mass in the Parish Hall.CCD REGISTRATIONYOUTH CHOIR REGISTRATIONALTAR SERVER REGISTRATIONYouth Formation Booklet 2024-2025 (Booklet) (8).pdfDownload PDF • 12.25MB