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NEW The Latin of the Mass Class

The Latin of the Mass class will be held in St Jude's Room. (Located in the Southeast corner of the church's lower level.) Class begins at 10 AM and will last for about an hour.

This course will be held in twelve (12) sessions with classes begin on the First Sunday of Advent, November 28, 2021. N.B. - There will be a Christmas break - No class December 26, 2021 There will also be a Candlemas break - No class January 30, 2022 February 27, 2022 will be the last class. This class is for those with no background in Latin and who may not be ready for a long-term study of the language. Classes will cover the basics of the Latin language with a focus on explaining, translating, and pronouncing words and phrases found in the Mass. We will also read and translate some of the Latin inscriptions in the church. The textbook will be the Latin Mass Companion which will be provided. The cost will be a $ 50 donation to St John Cantius Parish.


Attending Mass at SJC
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