Forty Hours Devotion is a graced time for our parish family every year. It is a time for us to come before the Blessed Sacrament thank God for his graces, to make reparation to Him for our past sins, to pray for the sick and to beg God's protection of our nation. Our parish will hold our annual Forty Hours Devotion beginning Sunday, October 18th through Wednesday, October 21st.
The schedule is as follows:
Sunday - 10/18 - External Solemnity of SJC, Anniversary of the Dedication of a Church
Solemn High Mass, Exposition and Adoration from 2 pm - 9 pm
Monday - 10/19 - 9 am to 9 pm Tuesday - 10/20 - 9 am to 9 pm Wednesday - 10/21 - 9 am - 7:30 pm, Closing Mass at 7:30 pm
Closing Benediction at the End of Mass
Please consider spending one or more hours with our Eucharistic King.
From the Archives: Forty Hours Devotion in 1896
Dziennik Chicagoski - January 17, 1986

The Forty-Hours Devotion was celebrated in St. John Cantius Parish from the fourteenth to the sixteenth of January. The services were begun and concluded by Right Reverend Father Simon Kobrzynski, head of the Chicago home of the Resurrectionist Fathers. It is worthy of note that very many of the faithful approached the Holy Sacraments. The priests worked in the confessionals from morning till night in order to satisfy the demands of the faithful. Many out-of-town priests came over to help the local priests. They deserve the greatest credit for their sincere and conscientious labor, and I wish to thank them most heartily.
The devotional services, attended by so many priests, were grand. The church was continually filled with the faithful. The fraternities and the children were present every day to give homage to the All Highest. All the ceremonies created a fine impression, and we hope they will bring lasting benefits to the participants.
We have, mainly, to thank the reverend priests, who so gladly rushed to help us, and to whom I once more wish to extend my sincerest thanks in the name of the Parish.
Reverend John Kasprzycki, C. R., pastor (1896)