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A Shower of Roses for Pentecost

In Rome on Pentecost, in the Pantheon (i.e. the minor basilica called S. Maria ad martyres) there is a beautiful and ancient custom of dropping rose petals through the circular oculus opening at the top of the dome. The petals fall to the crowds below, reminiscent of the coming of the Holy Spirit like tongues of flame. Now this Roman tradition has come home to St. John Cantius.

The Vigil of Pentecost allows us to conclude Eastertide in a profound way. On Saturday May 22nd at 9:00 PM we gather with Mary and the Apostles in the “upper room” and await the Holy Spirit. Join us for this special High Mass, which will also fulfill your Sunday obligation.

Just as the Easter Vigil is a powerful celebration of the beginning of Eastertide, the extended Vigil of Pentecost can be a profound conclusion to Easter and provide a rich and full celebration of the mystery of Pentecost—the mystery of the God, who through Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, calls us to deeper communion so that the Spirit of God might burn brighter in our lives.

On Sunday May 23rd, there will be rose petals showering from the ceiling at the end of the 9am, 11 am and 12:30 PM Masses. Come join us to experience the beauty for yourself!


Attending Mass at SJC
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